




 2018-2022コカ・コーラ財団助成金研究「Resilience of hydrological systems maintained by forest ecosystem functions」の一環として、開催されました。京都大学のWEBサイトで、アカデミックディ2018での様子を紹介しています。



 2013-2017コカ・コーラ財団助成金研究「Evaluation Study of Forest Impacts on the Water Cycle and Climate Change」の一環として、開催されました。京都大学のWEBサイトで、アカデミックディ2016での様子を紹介しています。

「山の地下に眠る‘’宝の水゜の利用を目指す-土砂災害の軽減にも貢献する新しい水資源」JST News, March 2015



 2013-2018コカ・コーラ財団助成金研究「Evaluation Study of Forest Impacts on the Water Cycle and Climate Change」の一環として、開催されました。京都大学のWEBサイトで、アカデミックディ2015での様子を紹介しています。

「水と土と森の科学」谷誠 著、京都大学学術出版会 2016
‘Science on water, soil, and forest ecosystem’ M, Tani,
243page (in Japanese), Kyoto University Press, 2016/4/5, ISBN-10: 4814000235, ISBN-13: 978- 4814000234


 2013-2017コカ・コーラ財団助成金研究「Evaluation Study of Forest Impacts on the Water Cycle and Climate Change」の成果の一つとして、出版されました。水と、土と、森との関係を科学的に解説しています。


‘Long-term monitoring studies’
A1. Katsuyama, M., Ohte, N., Kosugi, Y., Tani, M. (2021) The Kiryu Experimental Watershed: 50-years of rainfall-runoff data for a forest catchment in central Japan, Hydrological Processes, 35, e14104, DOI: 10.1002/hyp.14104

A2. Tsuruta, K., Kosugi, Y., Katsuyama, M., Kosugi, K., Suzuki, M., Tani, M. (2020) Long-term effects of evapotranspiration on the flow duration curve in a coniferous plantation forest over 40 years, Hydrological Research Letters, 14, 1-8, DOI:10.3178/hrl.14.1

‘Studies to understand the hydrological processes in the forest ecosystems.’
A3. Tsuruta, K., Komatsu, H., Kume, T., Ohtsuki, K., Kosugi, Y, Kosugi, K. (2019) Relationship between stem diameter and transpiration for Japanese cypress trees: implications for estimating canopy transpiration, Ecohydrology, DOI:10.1002/eco.2097

A4. Tsuruta, K., Katsuyama, M., Kosugi, Y., Okumura, M., Matsuo, N. (2019) Effects of cryogenic vacuum distillation on the stable isotope ratios of soil water, Hydrological Research Letters, 13, 1-6, doi:10.3178/hrl.13.1

A5. Tani, M., Matsushi, Y., Sayama, T., Sidle, R. C., Kojima, N. (2020) Characterization of vertical unsaturated flow reveals why storm runoff responses can be simulated by simple runoff-storage relationship models, Journal of Hydrology 588, 124982, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jhydrol.2020.124982

A6. Iwasaki, K., Katsuyama, M., Tani, M. (2020) Factors affecting dominant peak-flow runoff-generation mechanisms among five neighbouring granitic headwater catchments. Hydrological Processes, 34, 1154-1166. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.13656.

A7. Marryanna, L., Noguchi, S., Kosugi, Y., Niiyama, K., Itoh, M., Sato, T., Takanashi S., Siti-Aisha, S., Abd Rahman, K. (2019) Spatial distribution of soil moisture and its influence on stand stracture in a lowland dipterocarp forest in peninsular Malaysia, Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 31, 135-150.

A8. Jiao, L., Kosugi, Y., Sempuku, Y., Chang, T. (2021) Canopy conductance and gas exchange of a Japanese cypress forest after rainfall-induced wetness, Ecological Research, 36, 947-960, DOI: 10.1111/1440-1703.12257

A9. Kamakura, M., Tsuruta, K., Azuma, W., Kosugi, Y. (2021) Hydraulic architecture and internal water storage of Japanese cypress using measurements of sap flow and water potential, Ecohydrology, e2325, DOI: 10.1002/eco.2325

A10. Kamakura, M., Kosugi, Y., Takanashi, S., Matsuo, N., Uemura, A. and Lion, M. (2021) Temporal fluctuation of patchy stomatal closure in leaves of Dipterocarpus sublamellatus at upper canopy in Peninsular Malaysia over the last decade, Tropics 30, 41-51

A11. Chang, T, Kume, T., Katayama, A., Okumura, M., Kosugi, Y. (2021) Dependance of isoprene emission flux on leaf mass per area of Phyllostachys pubescens (moso bamboo), Journal of Agricultural Meteorology, DOI: 10.2480/agrmet.D-21-00030

A12. Chang, T., Kosugi, y., Shibata, S., Okumura, M., Jiao, L., Chen, S., Xu, D., Liu, C., Chang, K. (2021) Isoprene emission characteristics of tall and dwarf bamboos, Atmospheric Environment X, 12, 100136, DOI: 10.1016/j.aeaoa.2021.100136


P1. Katsuyama, M., et al: Comparison of controlling factors of streamwater mean residence time across headwater catchments using water stable isotope, JpGU annual meeting 2018, Chiba, Japan, 2018.5

P2. Yamada, T., et al: Experimental study on groundwater and spring water dating method using SF6 tracer during baseflow condition in headwater catchment, JpGU annual meeting 2018, Chiba, Japan, 2018.5

P3. Kosugi, Y., Takanashi, S., Noguchi S., Nakaji, T., Kamakura, M., Azuma, W., Siti Aisah S., Marryanna, L.: Are the evapotranspiration and canopy photosynthesis of Asian tropical rainforests affected by climate change?, 3rd ARN (Asia Research Node) symposium on Humanosphere science, Taichun, Taiwan, 2018.9.

P4. Katsuyama, M.: Long-term increasing trend of line-conditioned excess in groundwater, JpGU annual Meeting 2019, Chiba, Japan, 2019.5.

P5. Kosugi, Y.: Evapotranspiration and depth of water supply at a Southeast Asian tropical rainforest, 2019 NTU-KU Bilateral Symposium On Environmental Hydrology and Water Resources Management, Taipei, Taiwan, 2019.9.

P6. Jiao, L., Sempuku, Y., Chang, T., and Kosugi, Y.: Gas exchange process during and after rainfall over a Japanese cypress canopy by using eddy covariance and SVAT multilayer model, Asiaflux 2019, Takayama, Japan, 2019.9.

P7. Chang, T., Kume, T., Jiao, L., Kosugi, Y.: Isoprene emission from Bamboo Species, Asiaflux 2019, Takayama, Japan, 2019.9.

P8. Kamakura, M., Tsuruta, K., Azuma, W., Inoue, N., and Kosugi, Y.: Hydraulic characteristics and water storage of Japanese cypress using sap flow rate and water potential measurements, Asiaflux 2019, Takayama, Japan, 2019.9.

P9. Azuma, W., Himeno, S., Gyokusen, K., Ishii, H., Nakajima, T., Kosugi, Y., Tsuruta, K., Kamakura, M., Yoshimura, K., and Tateishi, M.: Contribution of whole-tree water storage to daily transpiration in conifer trees, Asiaflux 2019, Takayama, Japan, 2019.9.

P10. Katsuyama, M., Haga, H., Fukushima, K., Oda, T., Fujimoto, M., Osaka, K. Nagano, R., Egusa, T.: Comparison of hydrological control in streamwater residence times across headwater catchments, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2019.12

P11. Katsuyama, M., Ohte, N., Kosugi, Y.: The Kiryu Experimental Watershed: 50-years forest dynamics and hydro-biogeochemical studies in Central Japan, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, 2019.12

P12. Jiao, L., Sempuku, Y., Chang, T., and Kosugi, Y.: Interception by a temperate coniferous forest and its relationship with wet canopy gas exchange, EGU General Assembly 2020, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-12801, 2020.5

P13. Katsuyama, M., Tsuruta, K., Muranaka, M., Kosugi, Y.: Stable isotope signature along hydrological processes in a temperate forest, Japan, AGU Fall Meeting, 2020.12

P14. Jiao, L., Sempuku, Y., and Chang, T.-W., Kosugi, Y.: Interception and Gas Exchange Feature of a Temperate Evergreen Coniferous Forest in Asian Monsoon Area during and after Rainfall by using Multilayer Model, AGU Fall Meeting 2020, https://agu.confex.com/agu/fm20/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/713347 H008-0018, 2020.12

P15. Jiao, L., Kosugi, Y., Sempuku, Y., and Chang, T.-W.: Using a multilayer model with eddy covariance to detect the leaf wetting and gas exchange of wet Japanese cypress canopy, International Symposium on Agricultural Meteorology 2021, 2021.3

P16. Jiao, L., Kosugi, Y., Sempuku, Y., Sakabe, A., and Chang, T.-W.: Evapotranspiration and CO2 exchange of wet and snow-loaded canopy in an evergreen temperate coniferous forest, EGU General Assembly 2021, EGU21-3765, https://doi.org/10.5194/egusphere-egu21-3765, 2021.4
